
Summer Thunder (Field Day 2022)

The ARRL’s annual summer field day ran this weekend part of Saturday and part of Sunday, finally drawing to a close at 2pm local time, Sunday the 26th.

As it was pretty hot outside in our wonderful Arizona desert, the Ocotillo Hams decided to operate separately from home, while sipping cool lemonades indoors. (However, there was sporadic monsoon storm activity all weekend, which dumped a little rain, rattled windows with summer thunder, and cooled it off a few degrees!)

About four members of the group ran contest operations, though the band conditions were not the best.

Norm K7NWF, Don WQ1E, Tim N1QKD, and John AI7AQ all thrust in the contest oars for varying amounts of time, counting total unduplicated contacts, and contest points.

Norm’s Field Day Contest Logging results

Ocotillo Hams Member Field Day Results In order of Total Reported Contacts

Norm: K7NWF – 220 Contacts
(His personal best Summer Field Day, last year, 175)

John: AI7AQ – 182 Contacts
(Single day total, John actually went outside in the heat!)

Tim: N1QKD – 110 Contacts

Don: WQ1E – 25 Contacts
(Don was busy building a new motorized Mag Loop this weekend!)

Lisa: KJ7DJR – 0 Contacts (OOps! Out sick the last couple weeks)

And this year’s Summer Thunder King Ocotillo Ham is..


Congratulations to our favorite all around nice guy and terrific Elmer. 🙂

Now go relax… here’s a little of my favorite “thunder and rain” music to wind down to.